Triopetra beach

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Triopetra is located about 52 km south of Rethymnon and 13 km southeast of the village of Akoumia , at the foot of Mount Siderotas . It can be visited by car via an asphalt road from Akoumia (or even from Sachtouria ). It is located in the central part of the large coastal front that the locals call Akoumiani Gialia , as the area of ​​Triopetra belongs to the region of the village of Akoumia . Here the Akumians had their estates and olive groves, which they had built small farms to spend the night away from the village.

Triopetra consists of two beaches, which are separated by a small peninsula. At the edge of the peninsula, in the middle of the sea, there are three imposing rocks, from which the area takes its name. The first beach, Mikri Triopetra or "in Koumantos' ", is formed southeast of the three rocks, in a closed bay with sand and several rocks. South of the beach there is a small port and a little further on, the Akoumianos River flows out. On the beach there are some rooms and taverns, while umbrellas are also offered. About 1 km northeast of the beach is the chapel of Prophet Elias, built at an altitude of 85m, with a wonderful view of the whole area.

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